Membership Policy

The Wolvercote Mill (TWM) is a Community Benefit Society, a type of co-operative. This means that we are owned and controlled by our members - the community of Wolvercote.

As a Community Benefit Society all our profits are reinvested into the community and our mission.

We welcome anyone aged 16 and over who supports our mission and upholds our values to become a member.

Our mission: To create a vibrant community space dedicated to enhancing the well being of local people.

Our values: Inclusivity, community, creativity, growth.

As a member you will be invited to take part in making decisions about the society at Annual General meetings, based on the co-operative principle of “one member, one vote”. You may also stand for election and vote on candidates for the Board of Directors, who govern the society’s day-to-day operations. 

Members must agree to abide by the society’s Rules.

In a Community Benefit Society, members hold shares in the society as part of their membership. For TWM each share has a nominal value of £1 and is paid annually. The ‘nominal’ value means that they have no market value so receive no interest or dividend and cannot be withdrawn or transferred. As a member of the society, your financial and legal liability is limited to your £1 shareholding. 

To become a member, please sign up at our AGM.